Why are Supernova Life Blends so different?

Why are Supernova Life Blends so different?

Organic ingredients? Specific performance premium adaptogens? Recyclable and compostable packaging? Coconut scoop to reduce plastic use as an additional purchase? Developed with a Naturopathic Nutritionist and professional footballer? No chemicals, flavouring or fillers?

We demand only the very best and have meticulously been in touch with the suppliers around the world to ensure the processing of the ingredients is predominantly raw without the addition of chemicals, irradiation or genetically modified ingredients, hormones or antibiotics.

We’ve done our own heavy metal testing to ensure they are below the EU regulations, we know the dangers heavy metals can cause. Most suppliers are baffled that we ask for this information, some have said in ten years of trading we have never been asked in such depth into the research of a product and others have said irradiated products are legal you just have to put it on the packaging!!!? No thanks.

We’re passionate about plants and the power they can have over everybody. It is a lifestyle for us not just a business. We live and breathe it every day. We didn’t want to create something that we don’t want to take ourselves and we're pedantic. Very pedantic when it comes to how we feel.

We want to make the incredible power of superfoods, medicinal mushrooms, adaptogens and nootropics easily available in just one or two scoops, rather than a cupboard full of different expensive packages for which you probably forget what you’re using them or need them for!

We have tailored the powders a little to men and women purely due to their hormonal makeup, not their capabilities or stereotypical workout or lifestyle. 

Something we do tend to forget, as it’s commonplace for us not to eat chemicals or preservatives, is that our protein powders are 100% natural. There are absolutely no preservatives, colours, fillers, gums, artificial flavours or even ‘natural flavours’ as we didn’t want to include maltodextrin which is the base for the majority of ‘natural flavours’ plus on research natural flavouring is mostly made up of 100's of chemicals to change the initial 'natural' ingredient to taste like something else!

Click on each individual ingredient on our product page to read about their benefits and the research we have done to ensure they are of the finest quality. Such as tree-derived biologically active sulphur as opposed to chemical MSM, which 99% of MSM in the industry is and is made from petrol chemicals. Our wild organic chaga to maintain the immense vibrational energy it contains growing on birch trees in the Northern Hemisphere.

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to email us on, ask our Chatbox on the website or DM us on our Instagram which is

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