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Adaptogenic ‘warm’ chocolate

Adaptogenic ‘warm’ chocolate

It’s official Spring, the sun comes out so we optimistically get our trench coats out for a Sunday walk…and shiver all the way home.

We need a warming, calming hug in a mug which is exactly what this little blend is. Hot chocolate mixed with a hug from a partner that lasts a few seconds longer than usual, the rebalancing that you get from a great conversation with your longest friend and the satisfaction from a soft, squishy chocolate brownie.

Mix one of our coconut wood scoops of the WOMAN 01 or MAN 02 into an inch of almond milk, we prefer the ones with no E-numbers or gums and blend. Set aside. Warm around 300ml of almond milk in a pan and if you’re feeling super indulgent melt a couple of squares of dark (at least 70%) chocolate into the warm milk. I sometimes add a whole red chilli into the pan whilst I’m heating the milk for a little, warming kick. Add this to the thick Supernova blend.

Whisk thick coconut yoghurt, like Coyo, to make it a little more fluffy and ‘float’ it on top of the warm chocolate blend. Sprinkle with cacao nibs and drizzle with caramel sauce.

Curl up under your Hermes throw with the fire on and an actual magazine. Take deep breaths and tell yourself how immense you are.

We’re big believers in balance in mind and nourishment for the body. This blend may seem super indulgent but Coyo use organically grown coconuts that are full of wonderful MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids!) MCFAs are the good fats in coconut that not only increase satiety but can burn fat too. Plus organic adaptogens such as maca, ashwagandha and wild chaga come with an abundance of antioxidants and health benefits. So much more than a hot chocolate or a chocolate protein shake! See our website for more information on the power of these incredible plants.

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