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Superpowered - Power Snack Balls

Superpowered - Power Snack Balls

These gooey, rich chocolate balls are perfect after exercise (or in fact ANY time of the day or night!)



6 Pitted dates (we love Medjool for the ‘melt’ but any dates are fine (soak them first if they’re not Medjool)

2 tablespoons of quinoa flour

1 tablespoon of ground almonds

2 tbsp Supernova blend (any of our blends work here)

Splash of maple syrup

4 tbsp of nut butter (we made out own, it’s super easy just put 100g roasted hazelnuts/peanuts or almonds in a blender under they’re super smooth + runny. You can substitute this with any nut butter)



  1. Blitz all the ingredients in a blender
  2. Add a dash of maple syrup if you need to (some may not depending on the blender and date type)
  3. Roll in bitesize spheres, we did add some raspberry puree into some of the mix and although it's super messy when rolling, try adding some cacao powder to you hands or a bowl to help with the rolling. We loved the raspberry / chocolate mix. Then roll in your favourite toppings..
  4. We used desiccated coconut, freeze dried raspberry powder and cacao chopped hazelnuts and pistachios. Try rolling them in melted chocolate which you melt over a Bain Marie and put them in the fridge for an hour for an ultimate treat.
  5. Best eaten immediately but you can keep in the fridge for several days or even freeze them.
  6. Perfect for the post school hunger pangs or break time snack.

Here is the link to our Founder and her son making the balls at home -

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