Supernova Summer 21′ Campaign – ‘It’s Personal’
This Summer, we wanted to create a campaign to highlight our incredible customers and their powerful stories and experiences of Supernova Life Blends. Testimonials of how Supernova has enabled them to come off strong medication, eradicated their IBS and massively decreased their PMS. Men who no longer feel bloated out of workouts and feel more able to handle the increased stresses of work-life balance.
It’s Personal. We’ve named this campaign, ‘It’s Personal’ because Supernova Life Powders are PERSONAL to every single person. The intelligent plants, work like natural pharmaceuticals and target areas of your body that need balancing, allowing it to find its way back to homeostasis. Balance. Ashwagandha has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety by up to 70%, so we have obviously used the same amount in each blend – therapeutic levels to create significant change, not just insignificant mgs for marketing value.
Founder, Laura Beckford says “Now we’ve been in business for three years, I’ve been thinking about what Supernova means to every person from daily feedback which we love and realised there is a common thread, increased energy, hormone balancing, immune boosting, gut support etc but overall the blends are EMPOWERING and used by everyone uniquely for specific conditions. By taking them every day, people, including myself, are permitting themselves to say, “I’m worthy to spend £1.00 a day on my health, on the very best ingredients, to ensure I feel my very best every single day.” Knowing you’re consciously taking these medicinal mushrooms and adaptogenic herbs to self-optimise, is powerful. Educating yourself on holistic ways to heal your body is powerful. Having the focus and motivation that Supernova gives is powerful. And it’s all empowered by plants.
Our applications to be part of our Summer 21′ ‘It’s Personal’ campaign was overwhelming – thank you so much. On the day we had customers from ages 16-73 all of whom are passionate Supernova users, taking the blend every single day and all have such powerful stories on how it’s changed their lives for the better.
Mother and daughter, Nicola and Anya LOVE Supernova WOMAN 01 and we love how one single blend is used with such versatility in one household. Nicola struggles with her digestive system; bloating, pain and more and really finds that Supernova supports her gut health. This was a high priority for us when developing the blend as so many women struggle too. With organic psyllium husk, high fibre, prebiotics and the most easily organic digestible plant protein, the powder increases good bacteria, cleanses your digestive tract gently, flushes out toxins and reduces inflammation. You will not be bloated from Supernova Life Blends! Her daughter Anya, says, “College and work are stressful, Supernova definitely helps.” Nicola also loves that her daughter is drinking nearly full RDA of vitamin C and calming herbs and medicinal mushrooms that she may never normally get her to take if it wasn’t hidden in a delicious ‘chocolate milkshake!’
Lynne, below, age 51 was such a joy to work with, she used Supernova since the beginning of the pandemic, with a teenage boy to homeschool, Lynne can’t say enough about how it’s changed her lifestyle. “For five or six years I just went through the motions of life feeling this low energy, getting on, with no buzz…” she said “I had no energy and lacked any zest in my life, I’ve now got more energy than I’ve had in years, I feel fantastic taking it. I’ve been on iron tablets for seven years and I don’t need to anymore since taking Supernova. It’s made me feel how I used to, it’s amazing. My immune system was always low but I’m never run down anymore. With the hormone balancing, distressing, sleeping better too, oh there’s just too much to say – I love it!”
Jaime and his wife, Aneesa are subscribers and are the most magnetic couple. “Using Supernova throughout Ramadan was such a lifesaver,” says Aneesa, “it really satisfied me and helped me through the day. In fact, it does every day!! It’s just incredible, that’s why I got Jaimie on it and he agrees now too.” A busy family with two adorable toddlers, full-time jobs and demanding workout schedule, and an intense HIIT class most mornings (!) they both agree the blends give them SO much more energy than anything else they’ve ever had. “my hair and nails also look so much better since taking Supernova, which I didn’t expect. My IBS only ever flares up when I forget to take it, which luckily is rarely but I really notice a difference when I don’t have it!
The Thompson Family are also subscribers, with a young family, both never miss a day of Supernova. Aislinn bakes with it, and adds it pancakes and porridge but her favourite blend is simply with hazelnut milk and a banana. As an Editor, Aislinn spends a lot of time at her desk and loves that Supernova WOMAN 01, gives her the ‘energy hit’ in the morning, instead of coffee but also removes any ‘brain fog.’ “I need to concentrate all day and as a mum, I’ve always got 100 things to think about but Supernova really brings me into the present and allows my mind to be clear and focused when I’m working. Michael is a gardener, so needs the fibre, protein-rich ingredients as he’s physically active all day. “It definitely gives me sustained energy to do my job, without the sugar crash of other shakes or bars and we’re never ill, it’s definitely an incredible supplement for prevention,” Michael says.
Pam, age 73, is like a Duracell bunny and never stops, she credits Supernova for her endless energy. “I get SO much done when I have it, it’s magic, like rocket fuel!!” I’ve had digestive problems for years and it’s so much better since taking Supernova, I tell everyone, it’s the best blend of botanicals, herbs and superfoods I’ve ever found in the world. We’ve travelled a lot and we’re very much into holistic health, we’ve tried everything and most powders taste digesting but I’ve had them because I know it’s benefits are so good, then finding Supernova with such high-quality organic ingredients all in one blend in such high levels AND it tasting SO good too. I’m their biggest fan! My naturopath recommended it to me and I’m so grateful.”
We have deliberately not airbrushed any photos, so there will still definitely be wrinkles, rolls, regretted tattoos, scars and laughter lines and we love them. It makes us who we are, ‘It’s Personal.’ and that’s exactly what this campaign is all about. Much love, Laura x